Cornhill Very Large Cornish Eggs (6)

(1 customer review)


SKU: SKU0197 Category: Tag:


Based in Kehelland, just 5 miles away from us at The Grow Box, Cornhill Farm hens live in an insulated mobile hen house.  From here they eat, drink, sleep, lay eggs, and roam over 10 acres of herb rich grasses with natural shrubs and cover.

Our hens are Free Range, not organic or cage. Free Range means the hens have a normal life with ad-lib feed and water supply, and full access to grass fields to range, roam, scratch, dust bath and behave like every chicken should.

The big benefit you’ll see is the taste of the eggs and the deep colour of the yolk – that comes from happy hens, eating worms and grubs from the fields.

We also make our own feed for the hens; they eat 10 tonnes a week! We firmly believe growing crops on our balanced and healthy soils, makes the best quality corn which we feed straight back to the hens, giving you the tastiest eggs around.

1 review for Cornhill Very Large Cornish Eggs (6)

  1. Anna Staker

    5 Stars

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